So ist das also, es gibt Flüchtlinge zweiter Klasse und es gibt Ukrainer
21.04.2022 12:54
Deutsche vertreiben afghanische Flüchtlinge und ersetzen sie durch Ukrainer

Die europäischen Länder tauschen eilig einige Flüchtlinge gegen andere aus. So hat Deutschland beispielsweise damit begonnen, Afghanen abzuschieben und durch Ukrainer zu ersetzen.
Dies berichtet die Zeitschrift Foreign Policy. [Siehe unten in Englisch]  Sozialarbeiter begannen, die Flüchtlinge aus Afghanistan zu besuchen und forderten sie auf, ihre Wohnungen innerhalb von 24 Stunden zu verlassen.

«Die Zwangsräumungen wurden absichtlich nicht angekündigt. Einige Menschen leben schon seit Jahren in ihren Wohnungen und wurden aus ihren sozialen Strukturen gerissen, darunter auch Kinder, die an Orte verlegt wurden, die weit von ihren jeweiligen Schulen entfernt sind», so Tarek Alaows, Vorstandsmitglied des Berliner Flüchtlingsrats.

Die vertriebenen Afghanen werden in «Ankunftszentren» untergebracht. Es wird ihnen ein kurzfristiger Aufenthalt versprochen, aber viele müssen vielleicht jahrelang dort bleiben. Die freigewordenen Plätze in den Wohnungen der Afghanen werden von ukrainischen Flüchtlingen eingenommen.
April 20, 2022
Germany Is Displacing Afghan Refugees to Make Way for Ukrainians

Hundreds of Afghans who fled the Taliban have been evicted as an even larger flood of Ukrainian war refugees arrive.

By Stefanie Glinski

BERLIN—The knock on the door came when Mariam Arween was having breakfast with her husband and two small daughters. An unexpected visitor—a social worker—stood outside, bringing even more unexpected news: The family would have to clear out their home for newly arriving refugees from Ukraine. No questions, no negotiation, just “out within 24 hours,” they were told.

Arween, 33, a social activist and refugee from Afghanistan who arrived in Berlin in late January, fleeing the Taliban with the help of the German government after receiving threats for two consecutive years, is one of hundreds of Afghans across Germany who have been shunted aside to make way for newly arrived refugees from Ukraine.

“The evictions purposefully weren’t publicized. Some people had lived in their homes for years and were ripped out of their social structures, including children who were moved to locations far from their respective schools,” said Tareq Alaows, a board member of the Berlin Refugee Council, a collaboration of different organizations helping to improve conditions for refugees in the German capital and making sure their rights are adhered to. Alaows said the government justified the evictions by claiming that Afghans were evicted from so-called “arrival centers” where they should only be staying short term anyway. But some families had been living there for years, while other families were living in accommodation other than arrival centers. 

“Few people’s living conditions improved, but most were afraid to speak up, afraid it could impact their immigration status,” Alaows said, explaining that around 10 residences had been emptied in Berlin.

A 30-year-old Afghan man, who asked for his name to be withheld, also arrived in Germany in January with his mother and two younger brothers, one of whom suffers from a heart condition. He said that after the family was evicted from the same complex where Arween had lived, he—the family’s only English speaker—was separated from his brothers and mother and offered accommodation in a different part of the city. While some families had been housed in the sort of arrival center Arween had called home in her first months in Germany, others lived in hotel-like housing, all paid for by the German government. 

“Of course it’s not the Ukrainians’ fault, but we have to reflect on our solidarity if it’s only targeting certain people. The last months showed that different treatment of refugees is possible, and this needs to be systematically anchored in our society,” Alaows said.

The decision was made by Berlin’s Senate Department for Integration, Labor, and Social Services, arguing that it was “based on operationally necessary and difficult considerations” and that there was no alternative because Ukrainians, including many women with children, needed a roof over their heads and a bed.

“We regret that this caused additional hardships to the Afghan families [and that] the affected people had to move out of their familiar surroundings and now possibly have to keep up with their social connections with great difficulty,” said Stefan Strauss, the department’s press secretary. He said Berlin had a total of 83 different accommodations for refugees, already housing some 22,000 people, but that arriving Ukrainians needed to be consolidated to a few defined arrival centers to simplify processing. Strauss said evicted Afghans were given other “permanent” accommodation of equivalent quality, excluding shared bathrooms and kitchens.

It’s not always quite so rosy.
Arween and her family have already been moved twice since their March eviction and now live in a former hotel on Berlin’s northern outskirts in Reinickendorf that is advertised as a temporary shelter for people who are “homeless”; it’s the family’s third home within a month.

“Securing permanent accommodation isn’t the goal,” a Facebook post drafted by the Reinickendorf district office said of the accommodation, and the two small rooms with a shared kitchen certainly don’t seem like it. It’s still better than the previous residence the family was put up in where even bathrooms were shared and Arween soon found out that some of the residents had criminal backgrounds; she worried that it wasn’t safe for her daughters, one 5 years old, the other just 8 months old.

The family now lives mostly with other refugees, but the facility’s manager, Rädnitz, who refused to give his first name, confirmed that the accommodation is for people who are “involuntarily homeless.”

The new place doesn’t come cheap. Arween showed a letter detailing how much the German government is paying for the two small rooms and shared kitchen: 37 euros a night per person, or about 4,500 euros a month—an exorbitant sum even for the expensive capital. And it’s not even clear how long they can stay: The family’s first residence, a small but fully stocked container apartment, was theirs until they would be able to find their own apartment (tough in the overcrowded capital, even with the German government still paying those costs); time in the new shelter runs out at the end of July.

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